Starting something new can be hard.
Overwhelmed? Nervous? Excited? Curious? Scared? Whether you’re a big fan of therapy or you’re brand new to this world, whatever you may be thinking or feeling about pursuing play therapy is ok. Please take a look through this site and if you think this might be something you want to do, we can set up a 20-minute consult call. This is at no cost to you, to help see if I’d be a good fit for you/your child as a therapist, and answer your main questions. If it doesn’t seem like it’s a good fit, I’ll do my best to direct you to other resources. If it does, the next step is to fill out some paperwork online and schedule an intake.

Parent Intake: (Online or in-person.) We’ll spend about 50 minutes going into more details about your concerns, goals, and planning a course of treatment, and start talking about some of the principles that will apply. This is time for the therapist and caregivers to talk without the child so that we can address anything sensitive you may not want to talk about in front of your child–including how to talk to them about therapy–and talk about boring logistics. Note: in certain circumstances, for older children, the parent intake may be shorter, or the child may be present, as they will be part of setting their goals.
Child First Session: We’ll discuss this in the consult call and/or parent intake, but it can look however it needs to. If your child is doing individual therapy but is shy at first, you are welcome to come in with them at first. If you’re doing joint therapy, we’ll talk about the plan for what to expect/how the session will go. Either way, I’ll give you a call following the first session to check in about how it went.